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Welcome to The Strong Sisterhood...

BIG HEADS UP - This post is not about strength training! Although strength training absolutely does encompass all that the Strong Sisterhood is about - what strength training does for you physically is mirrored in what it does for you psychologically. But there is another element that The Strong Sisterhood Community provides...It represents all the other factors that contribute to a woman's strength - that's in a social, a sensory, an emotional, an educational, a spiritual and a historical sense.

I've seen recently a quote by Shania Twain (bear with me!) from when she was 31 years old. She said "When I'm 60 years old I'm not going to be up there in a crop top with the same type of energy I have now,"

Shania - Have you seen yourself lately?

Whilst Shania Twain is not only rocking a crop top at 58, I would have to say I think she has even more energy, not to mention, the envy of every Harry Styles fan. I'm not particularly a fan of either of them but they impressed me much (sorry had to do that!) as they rocked it out together at the Conchella Festival.

Why is this so relevant? And why am I relating this to Shania Twain? I could be picking any number of amazing women who are shining a torch on midlife and beyond.

It's that quote. I know that when I was in my 20's I had written myself off by 50!

What did you tell yourself in your teens, twenties about your future self? That quote from Shania as a young woman brings it all home.

Our society is good at making us subconsciously curtail our lives, via our thoughts and feelings on what we are, and who we will become. Whilst there's more open talk now about women in a positive space, I have a slight uncomfortableness with where it's currently going. I have recently had conversations with business leaders about the way women are marketed too - a way which does everything for the products being sold and not so much for the women they are targeting.

The Beauty & Wellness industry is worth $1,610.5 billion (ref:) and set to double that by 2030. It's favourable for brands if they can categorise you and tell you that a product is designed specifically for you at that one particular stage in your life. This perpetuates the idea that we are so wildly estranged at different age groups that we need a different product. Give marketeers/advertisers a problem, a symptom, a condition and/or an aspiration. Throw in a lifestyle and an age bracket and they will create a product/brand promotion that looks very much like your best ever solution.

I'm not disputing the idea that we are all wildly different! We are! But not necessarily by age, more by our individual make up, our genetics, our lifestyle and most importantly by where we have come from and where we are going.

It really suits big brands that we are talking so much about menopause. Advertising is literally hanging onto our every word and bombarding us with products that are 'proven' to solve all our problems. I have no idea how much money has been made in the last two years from menopause being such a hot topic. What I do know is that it's going to get bigger.

Historically we have always gained knowledge from our elders and lived and worked together in communities across all ages. My work enables me to talk with women at all life stages and I have to tell you that the current headlines about life, from peri to post menopause, is creating fear. This is particularly so for women in their 30's who are now dreading the next decade of their life.

It's fantastic that women are getting more attention, more products/resources, more opportunities and better equality, but we still have a long way to go. Research is only just getting started - This is really is exciting! This highlights the fact that what we are hearing now is just the beginning. Things will change as we live, learn and grow.

This is why I wanted to create The Strong Sisterhood. A safe place where you will not be bombarded by adverts! But where we can discuss many issues around women's wellness with a specific aim on making us strong, in both mind and body through strength training and other lifestyle practices.

This is for all people who have grown up female - regardless of family, life, age status. We all have wise things to say, and I want to create a platform that gives you a voice as well as a listening ear. A place that allows you to slow down, ponder and ask why? A place that banishes fear. I'll be posting unique content on here, workout ideas, latest research and invites to events with more opportunities to learn. If you are currently an active member on our site, you will get automatic access to the Strong Sisterhood. You can also use this as a check-in for your workouts, tell us what you are doing and feel the strength of a community that encourages and motivates you to keep on going.

If not already a member, Click here and then click on the sign up button. You will need to create a login and password. There's also a space in the sign up where you can add some info' about yourself. Please share what you'd like to share and state that you'd like to become a member of The Strong Sisterhood.

Where will all this take us? Who knows! The important thing is that we are journeying it together and learning and supporting each other as we move. 💪🏽 ❤️



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