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Golden Almond Cookies

Lots of you asked on social Media - so here they are!

Makes 10 - 12 cookies

My golden almond cookies. And why am I encouraging you to snack?! Here's the thing…when you have kids & they come home hungry from school - you need to feed them something that’s not going to spike either their or your blood sugar levels. Com’on - who ever makes cookies just for their kids!?

These gems are primarily made from almonds which are one of my top foods for peri & menopausal women. Jam packed full of fibre, good fats & protein plus vitamins & minerals such as calcium & magnesium. They are a powerful antioxidant & been shown to help lower LDL cholesterol. Eating nuts is associated with a lower risk of metabolic diseases. (See research ref:) They are best eaten whole with skins on but these little pleasures are the next best, &, make eating healthily, heavenly. For perimenopausal & menopausal women - avoiding foods that cause highs & lows in blood sugar is 👌🏽. If you are postnatal, these vegan treats pack a nutritional punch & are a healthy alternative to the sugary snacks you crave after feeding & sleepless nights.

Yes the ingredients is going to cost you more than a pack of custard creams but, if you shop savvy at certain supermarkets, you can get all the ingredients easily & cheaply & definitely at fraction of the cost of a shop brought ‘healthy’ snack. Oh and btw- these will not kill you. When you make things yourself you are completely in control of the ingredients, no added nasties in there plus you can vary it. You could for example put less maple syrup in, it’s all about your taste.


250g ground almonds

Pinch of salt

Tsp ground cinnamon

Tsp ground ginger (or more!)

Tsp bicarb’ of soda

4 tbl maple syrup (can adjust to taste - see if you can gradually reduce your sweet tooth!)

65g coconut oil melted

Pre heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius

you'll need a large baking sheet and parchment/baking paper.


Place all the dry ingredients into a large bowl.

Add the maple syrup and melted coconut oil. kneed together with your fingers until the mixture starts to form a soft dough.

Divide into 10 balls.

Squash the balls to form round cookie shapes

Make sure you space them apart - they may spread a little.

Bake in the oven for 10 - 12 minutes.

Keep checking them after 10 minutes.

Take them out when they are an even golden colour.

Leave to cool a little before placing them on a cooling rack.


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