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Easy, High Protein Pancakes

This is a quick one! Because we all need quick breakfast ideas and ones that pack a punch when it comes to nutrition.

I have written pancake recipes before but by my on omission, they are just too convoluted and hard to get right when it comes to consistency and stability. These ones however are foolproof. I experimented with them over Christmas whilst making blini's where the preferred flour is buckwheat. Buckwheat flour is not only gluten free but also much higher in protein than other flours with as much as 10-20% . This is also a higher quality protein than other grains, making it a great contribution to your muscle building prowess. It's also an anti-oxidant, high in fibre as well as containing minerals such as magnesium, iron and manganese. To also up your protein stakes I've included cottage cheese in this recipe. I know I know! Me too! The thought of cottage cheese takes you back to diet days gone past. But you wont even know it's in this and it's so high in protein. So please do have a go, I promise you wont be disappointed. This creates about 8 American style pancakes (accept they are a little thinner) - which we ate between 2 of us but you could stretch to 3-4 people if not in training mode. Total Protein content is approx, 48g when adding a dollop of peanut butter on the side. So around 24g each.


100 grams Buckwheat Flour

100 mls of preferred milk (I used oat milk)

1 large egg

150 grams cottage cheese

1 teasp vanilla essence

1 small ripe banana

1 teasp of baking powder. (gluten free if required)

To Serve ...

Blueberry Sauce ( I use frozen blueberries, chuck in a handful per person & simmer in a pan and add 1/2 teasp of coconut oil to give it a lovely sheen)

Peanut butter (or add yoghurt if you prefer)


Place all ingredients in a blender and whiz into a smooth batter. Gently heat a non stick pan adding a very small amount of oil (I use coconut oil) , pour off any excess oil - you literally just want to coat the surface. Pour in your batter to the size of a v small plate or saucer. Wait for the batter to start to form lots of bubbles and see if you can losen from the pan , wait until its solid on its base. When it is flip over - will only need 30 - 40 seconds more on the second side - flip over to check and you can always leave a little longer if required. Repeat the process until all the batter is cooked. You can also store these in an airtight container and reheat the next day.

Serve with the blueberry sauce and peanut butter.


Jane x

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